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Save Turtle Awareness Sand Art Manas Kumar Sahoo

The reputed renowned sand artist and sand animator Mr. Manas Kumar Sahoo has created sand art to keep people to be aware for saving Olive Ridley tortoise. Olive Ridley tortoise is seen in certain costal places and is a great valuable treasure in nature. This is destroyed by the people for their own interest and by the movement of Turlers. The olive Ridley lays eggs in thousands at the sea shore after which they go to the deep sea at a particular time of winter. It is necessary to save these eggs out of reach of people having interest with the eggs. This can be stopped only by making people aware to realize the necessity of saving tortoise from destruction.
For this awareness he created sculpture at the golden sea beach attracted the attention of thousands of viewers, art lovers, local people and foreigners. All are full of praise to see this art.

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