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Sarada Devi Quotes

Sarada Devi, born Saradamani Mukhopadhyaya, was the wife and spiritual counterpart of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, a nineteenth-century mystic of Bengal. Sarada Devi was born in Jayrambati. At the age of five she was betrothed to Ramakrishna, whom she joined at Dakshineswar Kali temple when she was in her late teens. According to her traditional biographers, both lived lives of unbroken continence, showing the ideals of a householder and of the monastic ways of life.

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Sarada Devi Quotes However strong or beautiful this body may be, its culmination is in those three pounds of ashes. And still people are so attached to it. Glory be to God.

— Sarada Devi

Sarada Devi Quotes What an illusion Mahamaya has conjured up! Here is this infinite world, and what one claims as his possession will be left behind at death. Still men cannot understand this simple truth.

— Sarada Devi

Sarada Devi Quotes The world is the Lord’s. He created it for His own play. We are mere pawns in His game. Wherever He keeps us and in whatever way He does so, we have to abide by it contentedly.

— Sarada Devi

Sarada Devi Quotes In the course of time one does not feel even the existence of God. After attaining enlightenment one sees that gods and deities are all Maya.

— Sarada Devi

Sarada Devi Quotes No one can suffer for all time. No one will spend all his days on this earth in suffering. Every action brings its own result, and one gets one’s opportunities accordingly.

— Sarada Devi
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