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Teachings of the Disciples of Sri Ramakrushna

The path to spiritual growth is much easier with the help of people who have already achieved perfection and can answer your questions about overcoming the many obstacles that come up. Back in print after many years, this is the original collection of the sayings of the disciples of Ramakrishna, arranged by subject. From the Table of Contents: Fundamental Tenets; External Behavior: The Guru and Holy Company; Service; General Advice; Food and Personal Habits; Pilgrimages; Moral Principles: Morality; Truth; Duty;Forbearance and Compassion; Purity; Continence and Self-Control; Mental Attitudes; Spiritual Practices: Ritualistic Worship; Pranayama; Prayer; Japa; Meditation; Realization..

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A man completely under water cannot see the bank, but a man with his head above the surface can see it. Similarly, while immersed in maya one cannot know whit is beyond it.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

A fish is hooked by bait, only to be taken out of water, killed,dressed, and cooked. Similarly, these[worldly]pleasures are but baits thrown into the waters of life to hook us all in order to be consumed by that all-devouring death.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

The enlightened souls alone know that the Self is the witness and not the doer of actions, and thus are not affected by action, reaction, or work or karma.The ignorant, not realizing the Self as separate, suffer…The fire of wisdom…destroys all karma. So be enlightened, and then no karma will affect you.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

To understand a great man we must ourselves be great; to reach a fruit on the highest branch of a tree, we must raise ourselves…

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

If you want to transcend body and mind and enjoy bliss born of the knowledge of Brahman, just engage yourself with a whole-hearted devotion in the service of your guru.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

God does not dwell somewhere beyond the clouds. He is in the heart of all living beings…God comes before us in the form of the ignorant, the needy, the diseased,the destitute,the famished,so that we may serve him in these forms and thus edify ourselves…By serving others we serve ourselves.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

Never remain idle,for idleness is the progenitor of all evil thoughts.Be always vigilant in carrying out your duties.Shake off all dullness from within you.Laziness is the woest of all sins.There is no royal road to perfection.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

If you would help others you must look at the bright side of everyone.Every man has his weaknesses.But you must overlook them and see only his good qualities. You must give up all fault-finding.If you want to find fault,let it be with yourself…In all your dealings my advice to you is:Be sweet.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

When,fortunately,a little faith and a spirit of renunciation shoot forth in one’s mind,one should preserve them and nurture them with special care,by keeping aloof from all worldly men;but when they are once firmly rooted within,then none can shake them at all.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

If you are eager to know the truth,then dive deep in the ocean of the life of Sri Ramakrishna,the all-compassionate one,and in time your heart will be enlightened by the Turth;you will get infinite strength;you will attain peace of mind and be blessed.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection
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