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Quotes Mirra Alfassa – The Mother

Mirra Alfassa (21 February 1878 – 17 November 1973), known to her followers as The Mother, was the spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo. Her full name at birth was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa. Sri Aurobindo considered her an incarnation of the Mother Divine and called her by that name: “The Mother”. On November 24, 1926 later declared as Siddhi day (victory day) and still celebrated by Sri Aurobindo Ashram [31] as Mirra and Aurobindo claimed that overmind Consciousness had manifested directly on earth allowing the possibility for Human consciousness to be directly aware and be in the overmind consciousness.

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The true lasting quietness… comes from a complete consecration to the Divine

— Mira alfassa

Auroville (City of Dawn) is an ‘experimental’ township in Viluppuram district in the state of Tamil Nadu, India near Puducherry in South India. It was founded in 1968 by Mirra Richard (since her definitive settling in India called ‘[The] Mother’) and designed by architect Roger Anger. Auroville is meant to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity.

— Mira alfassa

There is a great beauty in simplicity.

— Mira alfassa

Be courageous, enduring, and vigilant and above all, be sincere, with perfect honesty. Then you will be able to face all difficulties.

— Mira alfassa

Daily we must aspire to conquer all mistakes, all obscurities, and all ignorance.

— Mira alfassa
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