
Ramakrishnananda Quotes

Ramakrishnananda (13 July 1863 – 21 August 1911) was one of the direct disciples of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Known for his “Gurubhakti” [Service to the Guru], he served the Baranagore Math for 12 years without missing a single day.

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A man completely under water cannot see the bank, but a man with his head above the surface can see it. Similarly, while immersed in maya one cannot know whit is beyond it.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

A fish is hooked by bait, only to be taken out of water, killed,dressed, and cooked. Similarly, these[worldly]pleasures are but baits thrown into the waters of life to hook us all in order to be consumed by that all-devouring death.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

The enlightened souls alone know that the Self is the witness and not the doer of actions, and thus are not affected by action, reaction, or work or karma.The ignorant, not realizing the Self as separate, suffer…The fire of wisdom…destroys all karma. So be enlightened, and then no karma will affect you.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

To understand a great man we must ourselves be great; to reach a fruit on the highest branch of a tree, we must raise ourselves…

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection

If you want to transcend body and mind and enjoy bliss born of the knowledge of Brahman, just engage yourself with a whole-hearted devotion in the service of your guru.

— Swami Ramakrishnananda, Precepts for Perfection
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