
Kshetrapala – Protector of Kshetra

Kshetrapala is a guardian deity in Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism. According to Hinduism and Hindu mythology, Kshetrapala, that is, the lord of the farmland, is a deity who was originally a deity of the farmland. Over a period of time, Kshetrapala became a generic name applied to deities associated with a piece or parcel of land, or a particular region (kshetra in Sanskrit). His temples are generally constructed on the northeastern corner of temples

This is not the original statute of Kshetrapal of Puri

It is believed that at each  kshetra, Kshetrapala ( the deity protects the land from different calamities) is worshiped. In accordance with epics, Vishnu is the kshetrapala at Land of Shiva. Accordingly Siva is the kshetrapala  at Land of Vishnu. There are kshetrapala Temples with the idol established in the Aishana Kona ( corner of East and North ) in each city and village. The face of kshetrapala is to west direction.

Srikshetra ( Puri Dham ) is regarded as Visnu Khetra. The kshetrapala of Srikshetra is Lord Siva or Bhairava. His name is Kama, as the name suggests he is most beautiful and handsome. Most of time the gate of kshetrapala remain close. The kshetrapala Temple is situated at back side of Mukti Mandap.

There is  a detail description on kshetrapala in book namely “Element of Hindu Iconography” written by T.A Gopinath Rao. He described kshetrapala of different Kshetra. Regarding kshetrapala of Srikshetra ( Puri ) he narrated the kshetrapala is very handsome alike Srikshetra. This kshetrapala is very attractive in both name and action.

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