
Devi Kakudikhai

She is regarded as the chief among the Gosanis of Puri and worshipped at Baniapati in Balisahi. As the name suggest, a cucumber is sacrificed in front of Devi and offered to her. But this custom is now extinct. Devi Kakudikhai is regarded as the representative of goddess Vimala outside Srimandira. In her shrine animal sacrifices were performed during the night of Mahastami. Here devi is ten-handed and holds shield, conch, bow, snake and the hairs of Mahisasura in her left hands while she holds trident, sword, wheel, arrow and goad. Here the goddess places for left foot on the shoulder of Mahisasura and right foot on her vahana the lion. She is seen flanked by goddess Sarasvati, Laksmi, Ganesha and Karttikeya. The demon is seen coming out from the decapitated body of the buffalo as found in the stone images of the Somavamsi period, i.e. 9th-11th century A.D.

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