
Goddess Maha Gauri

Goddess Maha Gauri is the eighth among the nine forms of Durga. Goddess Maha Gauri is worshipped on the eighth day of Navratri. Goddess Maha Gauri has the fairest complexion among all forms of Durga. Goddess Maha Gauri radiates peace and compassion and is often depicted riding a bull.

श्वेते वृषे समारूढा: श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचि: !
महागौरी शुभम दद्यान्महदेवप्रमोददा !!

Shwete Vrashe Samarudhah Shwetambar-dhara Shuchi !
Mahagauri Shubham Dadhyanmahdev-pramodada !!

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