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24 forms of Bishnu at Jagannath Temple

24 forms of Bishnu at Jagannath Temple

The Jagannath Temple, located in Puri, Odisha, is one of the most revered temples in India. The temple is dedicated to Lord Jagannath, who is considered a form of Lord Vishnu. The temple is renowned for its unique architecture and traditions, which make it a popular pilgrimage site for Hindus.

One of the most remarkable features of the Jagannath Temple is the representation of twenty-four forms of Lord Vishnu on the outer wall of the temple. These twenty-four forms are also known as the “Chaturvimshati murtis” and are depicted on both sides of each parsvadevata shrine.

The representations of these twenty-four forms of Lord Vishnu are identical in their iconographic features. All the figures are standing with four arms and adorned with kirita crown and other usual ornaments. Each one of them stands upon a Padmasana or lotus throne. The difference between any two of these images has to be made out by the way in which the Sankha (Conch), the chakra (Wheel), the gada (Club), and the Padma (Lotus) are found distributed among their four hands.

The twenty-four forms of Lord Vishnu represented in the Jagannath Temple are Keshab, Madhava, Damodara, Narayan, Bishnu, Gobinda, Madhusudan, Trivikram, Vamana, Sridhra, Hrusikesha, Padmnava, Sankarasana, Basudeba, Pradyumna, Anirudha, Purusottam, Adhoksaja, Narasimha, Achyuta, Janardana, Upendra, Hari, and Srikrisna. The ‘Rupamnadan’ furnishes the twenty-four names of Lord Vishnu and the corresponding arrangements of the four ayudhas in the four hands in each case.

It is worth noting that these twenty-four forms of Lord Vishnu listed in the Silpasastras are found nowhere in any temple sculpture except in the Jagannath Temple. This makes the Jagannath Temple a unique place of worship and a must-visit for devotees of Lord Vishnu.

Bishnu, painting by Michael Ball in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.

Apart from the representation of the twenty-four forms of Lord Vishnu, the Jagannath Temple is also known for its Rath Yatra, a grand festival celebrated every year. During the festival, the deities of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra are taken out of the temple and placed on grand chariots. The chariots are pulled by thousands of devotees through the streets of Puri. The Rath Yatra is considered one of the largest religious festivals in the world and attracts millions of devotees from all over India and abroad.

In conclusion, the Jagannath Temple in Puri is a unique place of worship that is revered by millions of Hindus worldwide. The representation of the twenty-four forms of Lord Vishnu on the outer wall of the temple is a remarkable feature that makes the temple stand out from other temples in India. The temple’s Rath Yatra is also a grand festival that is celebrated with great pomp and show, making it a must-visit destination for devotees of Lord Jagannath.

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