
Sambhu Ekadashi

Sambhu Ekadashi is being celebrated in Sri Jagananth Temple simultaneously in sri Lokannath Temple of Puri. This is rare occasion when the Ekadashi falls on Monday, the Ekadashi is called as Sambhu Ekadashi. This Ekadashi was observed during the year 1984 and after a gap of

HariHar the perfect combination of #vaisnaba and #shaiva ideology.

HariHar the perfect combination of #vaisnaba and #shaiva ideology.

30 years the same is going to be observed with all rituals . As per tradition after completion of Gopal Ballabv rituals, the Idol of Lokannath Of Sri Mandir is to be proceeded to Lokannath Temple. On this day the Idol of Madan Mohan will proceed to Lokannath Temple after completion of Lunch ( Dwipahara Bhoga) As per tradition this meeting is called Harihara Bheta. The last Sabmbhu Ekdashi has occurred on December 2015. Now again Sabmbhu Ekdashi has occurred at 2023 January.


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