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Ananda Bazar – Inside Jagannath Temple

Ananda Bazar (The market area of Mahaprasad ).This is a very large area approximately ( 293 * 223ft )located on the right side of approaching 22 steps of eastern gate. Numbering of spots identified within the courtyard and a visitors while returning after darshan,pay a visit to this market area where number of traditional (bhoga) sweet stalls are also found. Visitors can purchase the Maha Prasad as well as dried sweets either pack up or sit there for their lunch or dinner. There is a sit out place earmarked for the visitors with water facilities. This is regarded very much auspicious to have the Mahaprasad here. It is evident from the literary sources that Mahaprasad was earlier being sold near lions gate and also in baisi pahacha. So the facilities made and Ananda Bazar might be facilitated during 18th century.

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