
Tribute to Nelson Mandela by Sand Artist Manas Kumar Sahoo

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison,” that was Nelson Mandela, who emerged from prison after 27 years to lead his country out of decades of apartheid. Freedom fighter, prisoner, moral compass and South Africa’s symbol of the struggle against racial oppression. He died 05th December 2013, Thursday night at age 95. International Sand Artist Manas Kumar Sahoo gives his tribute to Nelson Mandela through his unique sand sculpture against racial oppression.


The message of reconciliation, not vengeance, inspired the world after he negotiated a peaceful end to segregation and urged forgiveness for the white government that imprisoned Nelson Mandela. Despite rare public appearances, he held a special place in the consciousness of the nation and the world. By this sand sculpture the artist wants to give his tribute to Nelson Mandela. This sculpture has been prepared at the golden sea beach near light house, Puri at the distance of 65 km from Bhubaneswar the capital of Odisha. The lovers of art, as well as foreign tourist, and local people have visited the site and highly admire the preparation and intention of the artist for tribute to Neilson Mandela.

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