
VOTE FOR A BETTER INDIA, Sand Artist Sri Manas Kumar Sahoo Aware People

International reputed Sand artist Sri Manas Kumar Sahoo has created a sand sculpture as the golden sea beach, near light house, Puri at the distance of 65k.m from Bhubaneswar of capital of Odisha.

This preparation of sand art is on the eve of 14th general election for parliament and different general assembly of some states. This election for parliament carries much important at it decides the change of government and its policies. Democracy is a govt. of the people, for the people and by the people. “By the people is quite very important for India as the election is held every five years and the people by their franchise right, decide the genuine and perfect candidate and also the party. Before casting vote one, a voter should consider thousand times and not be sentimental or carried by any persuasions. The motive behind the creation of famous international sand animator Mr. Sahoo is to remind this fact to the voters and make their judicious decision. He wants that people to decide for a better government which can provide better India which rapid development. This art shows the number of people coming to casting for vote and appeal each vote is valuable for a better India . This sculpture is the height of 5ft, using 5 tons of sand and with a message “ VOTE FOR A BETTER INDIA

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